About Us
AddiTech is a research and manufacturing base, experienced personnel and, as a result, high-quality products. We continue to follow the path of development and improvement of the basic principles of our work to achieve best result
For customers
Production facilities of the enterprise make it possible to produce additives and packages of additives for motor oils of high-level groups - SL for gasoline engines and CI-4 for EURO-4 diesel engines.
Procurement and supply
Procurement policy is implemented in the interests of economic efficiency of AddiTech, support of competitive advantages, stable product quality that meets the requirements and expectations of our clients.
Lab services
AddiTech today is a synthesis of science and production. Own research laboratory is the center of development and control, a kind of "core" of the enterprise, which implements the connection between science and production and accumulates modern perspective technologies for the production of additives.
Careers and social policy
AddiTech is a close-knit team of professionals working on the principles of trust, intensity and modernization. Our main resource is people. Keeping traditions, we discover talents and give a chance for professional self-realization.
"To be the best!" is our life vision.
Contact us
AddiTech LLC
211441, Novopolotk, Vitebsk region,
The Republic of Belarus
Tel.: +375 214 59 45 13
Fax: +375 214 59 81 62
E-mail: office@additech.by